Michigan Men’s Gymnastics
Men’s gymnastics has been around for thousands of years. It has its origins in ancient greek warrior training. It is the training that set the Spartans apart from the rest of the warriors and allowed them to create their empire. While time has passed, gymnastics has proven to still be one of the most difficult sports. It constantly strives to become better and do more difficult things with each passing year.
Men’s gymnastics has helped create many bodyweight training trends. It is the basis for fun cross training fitness workouts. It is the groundwork for good healthy habits.
Men’s gymnastics includes the six training apparatus
Pommel Horse
Still rings
Parallel bars
Horizontal bar
Floor 〰️ Pommel Horse 〰️ Still rings 〰️ Vault 〰️ Parallel bars 〰️ Horizontal bar 〰️
What gymnastics can provide for your son
This sport is all about personal strength and growth. The more that they practice the stronger they get. It is one of the few sports that is coordination based conditioning that will give them the groundwork for any other sport they would like to do for the rest of their life.
As they gain strength they feel better. There is a proven fact that as you get strong and healthy you feel more confident. This coupled with the affect of competing against your peers can really drive up the confidence level of a child.
Gymnastics clubs will take the athletes on their teams and put them up against other clubs from the state, region, or the nation. As your son competes they can set SMART (small measurable attainable reasonable timely) goals that allow them to try to compete on a larger and larger stage
What having your son in gymnastics can provide for a parent ?
One of best things that you can tell your coach is “Thank you, he fell asleep on the way home.” It is a phrase we love to hear because that means your child used all of his energy for a purpose.
Gymnastics facilities are always staffed with people who have a great care for children. They are stewards of the future and they know this. They want to keep kids safe, but allow them to take risks. Gymnastics training facilities that are USAG member clubs have strict guidelines on how to be safe with their athletes. Ask your local gym if they are a USAG member club.
Higher level gymnastics requires more time in the gym. This means they spend less time outside of the gym and that they won’t be getting into trouble that some teens get into.
A gymnasts life is tough. School, practice, homework, and still have time for other activities. It is possible and for those who seek it will end up finding it. It is tough but these athletes find a way to make it all work. They learn the life lesson of time management,
From winning with grace to taking a loose and everything in-between. Gymnastics teaches many lessons that are found in the real world that don’t seem to be replicated everywhere else.
Men’s gymnastics is about having fun, but it is also about working hard. It is about having fun with fitness. Playing games, conditioning, sweating, climbing, running, swinging, and getting very strong are all apart of gymnastics. Which is why in our biased opinion we think that every child should try gymnastics.
Does men’s gymnastics sound like something you would like your child to get into?